STRidER: STRs for identity ENFSI Reference database
STRidER (STRs for Identity ENFSI Reference Database) is the expanded and enhanced version of the ENFSI STRbase (2004-2016). This curated online high quality STR allele frequency population database enables scientifically reliable STR genotype probability estimates and provides quality control of autosomal STR data.
The task of website is to make STRidER generally available to forensic laboratories. The website can be used to calculate match probabilities of DNA profiles from high-quality cosmopolitan Caucasian populations across Europe. Additional populations will be added in the future.
Gill P, Foreman L, Buckleton JS, Triggs CM, Allen H (2003) A comparison of adjustment methods to test the robustness of an STR DNA database comprised of 24 European populations; Forensic Science International 131:184-96
Welch LA, Gill P, Phillips C, Ansell R, Morling N, Parson W, Palo JU, Bastisch I (2012) European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI): Evaluation of new commercial STR multiplexes that include the European Standard Set (ESS) of markers; Forensic Sci Int Gen 6:819–826
Bodner M, Bastisch I, Butler JM, Fimmers R, Gill P, Gusmão L, Morling N, Phillips C, Prinz M, Schneider PM, Parson W (2016) Recommendations of the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) on quality control of autosomal Short Tandem Repeat allele frequency databasing (STRidER); Forensic Sci Int Gen 24:97-102
Bär W., Brinkmann B., Budowle B., Carracedo A., Gill P., Lincoln P., Mayr W., Olaisen B. (1997), ‘DNA recommendations. Further report of the DNA Commission of the ISFG regarding the use of short tandem repeat systems.’, Forensic Science International 87(3), 179-184.